How To Increase Your Sales With Social Media Marketing

via Social Media Explorer Vivian Michaels

Social media is disrupting the world of marketing. There are over 3.8 billion Internet users all over the world and that number is still increasing at a rapid pace. Of those Internet users, over 2.4 billion of them are active on social media. Furthermore, social media marketing budgets have increased from roughly $7.5 billion in 2014 to over $13.5 billion in 2017.

Clearly, your brand needs to be on social media. But before you wantonly jump on the platform and hope to sell your stuff, take a step back and consider drafting a social media marketing strategy first. Here are some of the things that you need to do before running your first campaign.

1. Digital Marketing Plan

A concrete digital marketing plan is required, which must include all of the things associated with your online presence, such as online advertising, website, email list, and so on. You must identify what you want from your campaign. Consider these questions:

· Web Traffic: Whom you want to attract?
· Conversions: What conversion rate do you expect?
· Brand enhancement: How do you want to position your brand?
· Engagement: How do you want to engage your potential customers?

2. Overall Marketing Strategy

Setting an overall marketing strategy can help support your social media marketing campaign, which in turn can help you get a better return on investment. Here are some online marketing tools that you may want to use:

· Search Engine Optimization and Marketing
· Email Marketing
· Influencer Marketing or Affiliate setup
· Content Marketing

3. Using Social Media Marketing to Boost Sales

· Reaching out to new potential customers
· Finding out how customers perceive the brand
· Find out how the brand is positioned among existing customers

And here are some of the metrics that can help marketers judge their social media marketing campaigns:

· Reach: How many new leads and customers do you want to add every month?
· Frequency: Check out the frequency of your customers purchasing your product.
· Yield: Find out how much your customers pay for your products.

Launching Your Campaign

After you’ve done all the upfront work, you’re ready to launch your campaign. Here are the steps you’ll need to take:

1. Select the Platforms Where You Want to Invest Your Time

There are various popular social media platforms, and they are all unique. For example:

· Facebook is a general social media platform used by everyone.
· Instagram revolves around images.
· Twitter is well-known for its small messages revolved via tweet.
· LinkedIn is a social media platform that is used mainly by professionals.

Not all social media platforms perform equally for all types of brands. As a social media marketer, you need to understand the nature of your brand along with how people react to different social media platforms. You must choose the best social media platforms and prioritize them in order to get a decent return on investment.

For instance, Instagram could work better for fashion brands than Facebook. Media brands are the most active brands on Instagram. Businesses such as financial services, consumer goods, and so on, are less active on Instagram. Prioritize your platforms wisely!

2. Create Unique Landing Pages That Convert

Creating an impression is very important for any brand. The digital images and designs on a website help the brand create a positive mindset among potential customers. Create unique types of information for each social media platform for a better result from your campaigns.

For instance, Pinterest dictates that you showcase your products in an attractive manner, Twitter’s text limit is 280 characters, LinkedIn allows you reach professionals, and so on. By understanding the nature of various social media platforms, you must create unique landing pages that can help create a positive frame of mind, which can lead to a conversion.

3. Interact on a Regular Basis

Social media advertising is completely different than other forms of advertising. Your followers need to be fed fresh content regularly to keep your brand alive on social media. Seek out and share popular videos, images, and news to post to your pages. Diversify the content to arouse interest. 45% of Facebook users and 39% of Twitter users normally do not interact, but they are paying attention to the conversation. Position your company as an interactive brand among your potential customers to win more sales.

The post How To Increase Your Sales With Social Media Marketing appeared first on Social Media Explorer.

January 25, 2018 at 05:00PM
