Productivity - SMART Goal Setting (Post #9)

A while ago I stumble upon this Youtube video, posted by Growthink.
Growthink Co-Founder and President Dave Lavinsky discusses Smart Goal setting and the three things you NEED to do to ensure that you reach your goals.

-Step 1:  Set your Goals and Objectives

We want to use SMART objectives.  
What are SMART Objectives?
S =  Specific
M =  Measurable
A =  Attainable
R =  Relevant
T =  Time- Bound

-Step 2:  Break down your Goals and Objectives into tasks that you can do-  Create Your To Do List

-Step 3:  Put those To Do Tasks into Your Calendar

This method is working very well for me, I like it a lot, is very clear, easy to accomplish, and it does help to achieve at least my most important goals and objectives for the day.
Of course, this is a more general method of planning your time, there will be other videos and articles about time management, how to organize our business and life and how to accomplish our Goals and Objectives.

I would love for you to share what works for you as far as time management, organizing your life and business, accomplishing your goals.  

Thank you!
